Received:January 03, 2017  Revised:January 19, 2018  点此下载全文
引用本文:TAN YuWen,ZHU YongFeng,JIANG JiuYang.2018.Ore-forming processes and physicochemical conditions of Zhangjiashan gold deposit,Lueyang,Shaanxi Province[J].Mineral Deposits,37(4):729~750
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Author NameAffiliationE-mail
TAN YuWen Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China  
ZHU YongFeng Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China yfzhu@pku.edu.cn 
JIANG JiuYang Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China  
中文关键词:地质学  角砾岩  富砷黄铁矿  硒化物  张家山金矿  煎茶岭
Ore-forming processes and physicochemical conditions of Zhangjiashan gold deposit,Lueyang,Shaanxi Province
Abstract:The Zhangjiashan gold deposit,located in the Jianchaling gold concentration area of Shaanxi Province, mainlyconsistsofalteration-type, breccia-type, andauriferousquartz-pyriteveintypeorebodies.Fluidfilledfractures in broken listwaenite formed hydrothermal minerals comprising sulfides,selenides and native gold in breccias. The native gold-quartz-calcite-pyrite veins filled the mesh cracks of broken listwaenite and dissolved the broken rocks to further promote fractures,and finally formed the alteration-type ore. Native gold in alteration-type ore primarily occurs in the quartz of the Au-bearing quartz-calcite-pyrite veins or exists in the gaps of quartz and limonite adjacent to hydrothermal veins. Listwaenite broke further and breccias rocks were separated,which formed the compound breccias composed of listwaenite clastic rocks,quartz and limonite with calcite veins. Breccias-type ore is composed of complex breccias and calcite,in which native gold generally occurs in the boundary between quartz and limonite. The auriferous quartz-pyrite vein type ore is hosted in the listwaenite of footwall fault. The pyrite in this type ore develops As-rich pyrite rim that shows a rhythm change controlled by the As content. Native gold in auriferous quartz-pyrite vein type ore completely occurs in the As-rich pyrite rim. The authors have found some selenides(tiemannite,kullerudite,clausthlite) in breccia-type ore coexisting with native gold. Physicochemical phase diagrams were established according to mineral assemblages and relative reaction relationships,in which physicochemical conditions for the formation of selenides and other minerals are restricted. High f(Se2) values and f(Se2)/f(S2) ratios are the key factors controlling precipitation of selenides.
keywords:geology  breccia  arsenic pyrite  selenide  Zhangjialing gold deposit  Jianchaling
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